Excel Help Site

Excel Problems
Custom Programs
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Lotus Conversion
Help Links
Electric Comparison

Excel custom programs and consulting is our business. You can expect high quality, low cost results when you hire us to create an Excel custom program for you.

We can help you on anything from basic XL problems all the way to developing custom programs for a specific application.

Curious about if it can be done with Excel?  Some of the possible uses are discussed in the past projects.

What about Lotus macro conversion?  Yes, we can do it.  Read this for info on Lotus file conversion and macro conversion.

Need help answering a question about Excel?  The help links are sorted by subject and ranking.  If this doesn't help, try the search engines with a different phrase.

The Electric Comparison spreadsheet was created to compare different electricity offers in Texas.  It might help you IF you also have the option to choose your own electric provider.


Are you tired of cruising the net looking for an answer? 

E-mail us with a description of what you need.